Influence Communication offers local and international media monitoring and analysis services

Media Monitoring
Influence Communication supports communications professionals in their daily activities and helps them confront media emergencies at any time of the day—quickly and effectively. Backed by high-performing and reliable equipment, support from its partners located in Canada and abroad, and its teams of professionals, Influence Communication is a major ally for organizations who care about staying informed.

Press reviews
Daily, ad hoc or thematic.
Published media, radio or television.
Whatever your needs, Influence Communication offers personalized press reviews that are developed based on your company’s specific issues. Each press review is reviewed and pared down by a human so that you receive only the most relevant news items.
Influence Communication is your eyes and ears.
At Influence, there’s no such thing as voice recognition. Our researchers listen to public affairs shows broadcast on radio and television, and then summarize the content. The summaries are sent to the concerned organizations and archived in a database. For 30 days following the broadcast, you can request audio or video excerpts, or the transcription of a specific segment.

Influence Communication is an expert in media analysis, and is known as the creator of media prominence score (MPS). Our team of analysts is able to make sense of the media chaos generated by news and to analyze different qualitative and quantitative elements to draw conclusions and establish the facts, supported by numbers.

Press review
Contact our hotline at any time of the day or night, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you reach our voicemail, leave a message and an adviser will return your call within a maximum of 15 minutes to address the request immediately.

Since its founding in 2001, Influence Communication has made a name for itself as a leading information broker. For more than 18 years, large Canadian and international companies, public relations agencies, and public and parapublic organizations from different levels of government have entrusted us with meeting their different media monitoring and analysis needs.
Influence Communication offers monitoring and aggregating services, as well as exhaustive analysis of newspapers, magazines, radio, television, press feeds and news websites.
Our high-quality service, speed of execution, the availability of our staff, and our attentiveness to our clients’ needs are at the root of what makes our clients loyal.
Click here to learn more about Influence and our services
5 Facts about...
Media Monitoring
Whether large or small, organizations must know what’s being said about them in the media, and what’s being said about competitors, their industry and the issues that affect them.
Here are a few facts that organizations should consider when implementing media monitoring.